Brian Eno

Top Boy (Brian Eno Exclusive) - Vinyl Soundtrack

€ 39,33

Release: September 29, 2023

Free shipping over €30

• Heavyweight gatefold sleeve

• Includes 2 printed innersleeves

• Soundtrack from the critically acclaimed & multiple award-winning Netflix series

• Series was co-produced by Drake

• Score by Brian Eno

• Received multiple BAFTA Awards, including "Best
Original Music"

• Brian Eno exclusive edition of 500 copies on silver coloured vinyl


Side A

1. Top Boy Theme

2. But Not This Way

3. Damp Bones

4. Cutting Room I

5. Floating On Sleep's Shore


Side B

1. Beauty And Danger

2. Beneath The Sea

3. Afraid Of Things

4. Waiting In Darkness

5. The Fountain King

6. Washed Away In Morocco


Side C

1. Overground

2. Watching The Watcher

3. Sweet Dark Section

4. Sky Blue Alert


Side D

1. Delirious Circle

2. Cutting Room II

3. Dangerous Landscape

4. The Good Fight

  • Release date: 29-09-2023
  • Composer: Brian Eno
  • Record size: 12"
  • Case type: Gatefold Sleeve
  • Movie genre: Crime/Drama/Thriller
  • EAN: 8719262032286
  • Colour: Silver

Top Boy is the British television crime drama series, created and written by Ronan Bennett. The story follows two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty streets of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler. It stars Ashley Walters, Kane Robinson, and the 2020 BAFTA Rising Star Award-winning Michael Ward. The first two seasons aired between 2011 and 2013, but following interest from rapper Drake, Netflix announced in 2017 that it would revive the series. Co-produced by the Hotline Bling-rapper, the third and fourth season of Top Boy launched in 2019 and 2022.

In the captivating Netflix series Top Boy, Brian Eno's transcendent music serves as a vital companion, molding the narrative's essence with its ethereal power. With a masterful touch, Eno's atmospheric compositions effortlessly transport us into the gritty world of crime, friendship, and survival in East London. From delicate ambience to pulsating beats, his sonic tapestry envelops every scene, elevating the storytelling and evoking a range of emotions. Eno's singular ability to capture the struggle, hope, and inner strength of the characters accentuates the raw authenticity of Top Boy, leaving an indelible mark on its viewers. His haunting melodies and intricately crafted soundscapes symbolize the unyielding resilience amidst chaos, making Brian Eno's music an integral and unforgettable component of this groundbreaking series.

The 2LP Top Boy is available as a Brian Eno exclusive edition of 500 copies on silver coloured vinyl, including printed innersleeves.


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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Miguel Daica

Great lp , sounds good . Music is very Nice. Enjoy it as the tv show

His Work is a Gush of Boasts

Incredibly quiet pressings, the silver vinyl is flat and flat our gorgeous. Beautifully designed and printed sleeve. Delivery was seamless. Highly recommended.


Great work from one of the best minimalist composers out there

steve conder
Brian Eno top boy

Beautiful artwork and design and the record is amazingly quiet Haven't heard the entire 2 record set but I like what I've listened to Robert