Alexandre Desplat

Valerian And The City Of A Thousand Planets - Vinyl Soundtrack

€ 30,99 EUR

Release: July 20, 2017

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  • Original score composed by the acclaimed Alexandre Desplat, winner of multiple awards.
  • Features a rich and vibrant orchestral score that enhances the visual spectacle of the sci-fi film.
  • Integrates a variety of musical styles and instruments, reflecting the diverse, intergalactic setting of the movie.
  • Includes emotionally resonant tracks that underscore key moments of drama, romance, and adventure in the film.
  • A sonic journey that complements the film's groundbreaking visual effects and futuristic narrative.
  • Essential for fans of Alexandre Desplat's work, as well as collectors of science fiction film scores.

Side A

  1. Space Oddity (2015 Remastered Version)
  2. Pearls on Mul
  3. Big Market
  4. Flight Above The Big Market

Side B

  1. I Feel Everything
  2. Showtime
  3. Valerian In Trouble
  4. Bus Attack
  5. Arriving on Alpha
  6. Valerian's Armor
  7. Spaceship Chase

Side C

  1. Bubble Dance
  2. Submarine
  3. Medusa
  4. Shoot
  5. Le Souper du Roi
  6. Bubble
  7. Jamming

Side D

  1. Pearl's World
  2. Dark Forces
  3. Final Combat
  4. A Million On My Soul
  • Release date: 20-07-2017
  • Composer: Alexandre Desplat
  • Label: Idol
  • Record size: 12"
  • Case type: Sleeve
  • Movie genre: Science Fiction/Fantasy
  • EAN: 3700551782109
  • Colour: Black

Step into the vivid universe of "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" with Alexandre Desplat's mesmerizing original score, now available on premium vinyl. This collector's edition is a sonic gateway into the heart of Luc Besson’s visually stunning film, offering a lush, orchestral experience that elevates the sci-fi epic's otherworldly scenes and breath-taking moments. Owning this vinyl not only allows you to appreciate Desplat's intricate compositions in the warm, robust audio quality that only vinyl can offer but also to own a piece of cinematic history. Each track is carefully mastered to enhance the listening experience, capturing the essence of Valerian’s adventures through space and time. From the subtle nuances of the quieter moments to the powerful crescendos during high-stakes action sequences, this soundtrack is an auditory feast that complements the visual splendor of the movie. Ideal for both aficionados of film scores and vinyl collectors, the "Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets" original score vinyl edition is a must-have, promising not just music but an immersive experience into Desplat's dynamic and evocative musical storytelling.


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